'Art is coming face to face with yourself'
Jackson Pollock
His perspective on war, first as a soldier then as a photographer, has enabled him to tell visual stories in a unique way. He homes in on expressions and faces, and we are able to see into the experience of victims, conscripts, warlords and others caught up in the whirlwind of history.
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A portion of all sales from Adam's art will go to support two charities INARA that provides life-altering medical care for children from conflict areas who have catastrophic injuries or illnesses and are unable to access treatment due to war. The SAS Regimental Association, the only official organisation that represents the Special Air Service Regiment.
Please click on the links to donate,
In this special edition of SoulKind, we share stories from the Ukrainian people, highlighting the effects the Russian invasion has had on their lives and how they are trying to cope with such an atrocity.
People like Uliana, the ‘angel on platform five’ who gave up her job as a lecturer to help thousands of refugees flee the country. Or Oleksandr, the teenager forced to give up his education to make thermal accumulaters for the soldiers on the front line.
These are the ordinary people who have had life turned on its head, who now work tirelessly to support humanitarian projects. They are impactful stories of humanity that need to be told, recorded and never forgotten.

At a time when we consume thousands of images daily, these pictures arrest the eye. They are documents not only of suffering, but of the strange beauty found in the war-scapes of Ukraine, Africa and the Middle East. They speak of the complexity of conflict, and the connections human beings can make through a single look or gesture.